Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Violence, Gender and Elder Abuse

Women and force Professor Guelakis November 1, 2010 Violence, Gender, and Elder Abuse Elderly poke fun has not been look intoed enough. There has been recent expansion on the research of abuse of the elderly. However, it is still lacking adequate theory because there has not been enough research done, data collected on why it happens, or the characteristics of the abuser and victim. Women are predominantly the victims of elder abuse and men the abusers. However, there has not been a firm definition of what elderly abuse is. Some experts stir that elder abuse should be included in the definition of domestic abuse.Experts prevail found in their studies that women are the majority of the physically abused where men were the larger average of elderly individuals who were neglected. However, many experts overly state that focusing on the definition of elder abuse is counterproductive in focusing on the issue that women are the majority of abused victims. Feminist theorists affirm f ailed to produce enough data here, although they have the expertise to contribute to this research. One of the main problems with elder abuse is the failure to acknowledge it as a form of real abuse.The caregiver is already excused by be given this label as the carer. There is also the focus on the elder individual as the catalyst to the abuse, by button the carer to his or her limits. The elder individual is seen as overly symbiotic and adding stressors to the caregiver. Granny-battering, as elderly abuse was erst called, has turned into a closer look at the perpetrator and his characteristics instead of the victims. Experts say that more trouble should be placed on the predisposing factors, such as drugs, alcohol, and dependency.Spouse and child abuse research has been found to have similar pathological characteristics to elder abuse. Social norms support elder abuse against women in that women are dependent on caregivers financially, practically, and emotionally. There is lit tle information, however, on the strategies, tactics, or coping skills because the victims have not been heard. Unfortunately, the lack of research, along with the denial and inability to recognize elder abuse has made it difficult to gain knowledge and effect with this very valid form of abuse.

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