Friday, May 31, 2019

Essay example --

In the novel One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey we are introduced to the theme of the machine controlling the patients in the ward. The agree, as it is referred to several times throughout the novel, is a machine that is used in farming that is used for cutting crops. In Cuckoos Nest, the combine is used as a metaphor for society and how it controls, destroys and manipulates the patients. The purpose Nurse Ratched is a high ranking official (p. 165) of the combine with nearly every character in the novel under her control. With extreme intelligence, she uses her power to influence how the population of the ward acts and what they do. Fear is a major component of the nurses tactical manoeuvre as she uses it to get what she wants and gets things done exactly how she wants it. The two types of patients in the novel, the Acutes who are still sick enough to be fixed (p. 13) and the Chronics who cant be repaired (p. 14) are treated much differently by the nurse and her staff as she must be more strict with the chronics and is allowed to be more mild with the acutes. The ...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Ian Burumas Behind the Mask :: Ian Buruma Behind the Mask

Ian Burumas Behind the Mask Ian Buruma was born in the Netherlands in 1951. He went to school in both Holland and Japan, and he has spent a enormous deal of time in Japan. Ian Buruma is an author, journalist and a professor at Bard College in radical York. He sometimes writes for the New York Review of Books, the New York Times Magazine, the New Republic, the New Yorker, and the Guardian.The book, Behind the Mask, was a very interesting one. This book is filled with lots of Japans history that most tribe know postal code ab go forth. Much of the content in Behind the Mask is focused on sexuality and violence. The book has thirteen chapters each dealing with a different topic. It starts out with a kind of mythology about the origins of Japan. It is then followed by chapters on mothers in Japan and marriage. Some of the other topics focus on women, geisha, and yakuza.Behind the Mask is a bully book explaining a great deal of the sexuality related to the culture and religion of Ja pan. To the Japanese, sex is a part of nature it is not considered a sin. The worst thing that can happen to an individual in Japan is to be socially shamed or dishonored. The Japanese do believe in a sort of pollution though. They fear being unclean, death, and blood, among other things. Purification is a big deal in Japan.Ian Buruma, the author, not only explains in great detail much of the history and practices of the Japanese, but he also writes much about significant people and places dealing with the topic. There were many significant people who contributed a great deal to the practices in Japan. He also describes many of the important places where certain events occurred. He explains what the kabuki theaters looked like and also the famous strip clubs.The cap Post Book World writes, A fascinating exploration of Japanese culture the fantasy life of the Japanese. It fishes its insights from the rich and muddy river of popular culture that the contrary Ministry has always trie d to screen from foreign view. Through skillfully chosen subjects sex, gender, the mother we find a comprehensible (if sometimes surprising) fantasy persona buns the inscrutable maskfascinating, imaginative, highly polished, entertaining.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Educational Philosophy :: Education Educating Teaching Essays

Educational Philosophy Todays educators are setting the pace for their students tomorrow. Educators are expected of so much more today than they were twenty years ago. It is the teachers responsibility to provide their students with an education as well as a personal identity, and a palpate of comfort. Every student that walks into a schoolroom contains a different set of needs that their teacher must meet. The educational aspect of teaching is a given, barely the teacher must also aid their students in being individuals and appreciating who they are and where they come from. Teachers must also provide comfort and security for their students. The more prospering that a student feels with their teacher, the more apt they will be to share issues they are struggling with in their lives. One of the reasons that I want to be an educator is because I want to fill every one of my students with confidence. I intend to pack the minds of my students with an endless supply of knowledge as well as rise in every aspect of their life. They will be taught to love themselves and appreciate their background. Another reason that I want to be an educator is because I in truth love spending time with children. I was born the third of six children. I have experienced the role of being the baby sister and the volumed sister. I feel that I can relate with children very well because I spent so much time with my family. My final reason for absent to be an educator is to explore different teaching style. I have been especially interested in creating a classroom for cooperative learning and Existentialism.My classroom will be the perfect learning environment. I will paint the room in light pastels and place carpet on a separate of the floor. The carpeted section of the room will contain couches and beanbags. This area will be used mainly for congregation discussion. I will fill the walls with inspirational quotes and artwork provided by the students. I will have tables in my r oom instead of desks. I encourage cooperative learning because I feel that collection work improves problem-solving and reading skills. Students will be graded on their participation inside of the group as far as working together and assisting group members. When it is time for the class to be evaluated, I will ask the students to leave their groups and select a special place in the room where they can go and work independently.

Essay --

In this paper straight line structures are generated on uprise of Polymethylmethacrylat (PMMA)with UV-Lamp and Excimer-Laser in order to photolytically increase its refractive index to allowguiding of light in the sample. The structures were engraved victimisation contact mask sampling on surfaceof PMMA with UV-Lamp (spectrum wavelength 100nm - 410nm) and Excimer-Laser (wavelength248nm) supplemented by micromachining directly on surface of PMMA with Excimer-Laser. Thefabricated structures on the surface of PMMA of few micrometers were then examined for its agitatein refractive index using a single vogue ber (wavelength 670nm) and Beamlux II softwarea. Our sim-ple experiment compliments the previously found studies such that refractive index prole stronglydepends on the irradiation supermans, uence and laser pulse rate. The conclusion points toward usingPMMA substrate for optoelectronic use by creating waveguides with UV or Excimer-laser becauseit is an inexpensive, simple and fa st method. Masks allow creating waveguides with single modeproperty with width as small as 3um allowing specic-to-need created structures and waveguidesby altering irradiation parameters. It is wise to point out that the experiment has been thoroughlyresearched however conducted in a narrow scope of a laboratory project complimenting the lecturesfor understanding the electromagnetic theory of wave guide and ray optical mode of annexe inplanar subwave but only with the aim of creating a substantial understanding of working principlesbehind waveguides only to serve later for as a ground work for thesis, new ndings or researchpurposes.Indeed polymers have become very important in theeld of integrated optics area for discourse andsensor t... ...ntrast betweenfabrication of UV lamp and Excimer laser. Sincewe did not use the detector, it can be the UV Lamp powerrating had degraded over the passage of time. wave guideends on the mask were not polished either before beingirradiated. The PMMA sample was manufactured byRoehm GmbH which includes UV stabilizing characteristic6. Furthermore, Frank21 has been able to pee-peeexcellent waveguides with UV radiation but with uenceat 1mW=cm2 and irradiated for 2-3 hours totaling a completedose in the range of 7J=cm2 to 14J=cm2 . Therefore,we concluded that perhaps our irradiation and completedose was too little to cause a refractive index change.The whole experiment was conducted over a period ofapproximately 10 weeks and no change in the waveguidesover the passage of time was observed which points towardsits practical application in sensor technology.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Childrens Television Commercials: Analyzing the Representation of Fam

Childrens Television Commercials Analyzing the Representation of FamilyThe assignment requires childrens commercials to be analyse to find how these commercials are coded to eliminate meaning to a representation of the family. However, before this can be tackled the concept of representation must be discussed as rise as clarifying what on the nose is meant by childrens commercials. The assignment is open to m whatever interpretations as to what constitutes a childrens commercial. A commercial aimed at children, especially young children, must curb an appeal to both child and parent alike, as it is most likely the parent who will be purchasing any of the items desired. There is a crucial interplay within commercials between selling the item to the child whilst also selling the product to the parent. When identifying childrens commercials it is advisable to look beyond the most obvious excerpt of toys or fun food to all the commercials involving the family which a child may be exposed to. Commercials are specifically located to gain the maximum ikon to the optimum audience for their product, so any commercial shown during childrens viewing time must have some relevancy for a child. Another maculation to be addressed is how is a child defined. In this essay, the definition of a child from the Oxford vocabulary of Current English is interpreted in a special form. The definition is a young human being below the age of puberty (1996, 141), but in this essay, because puberty occurs at opposite stages in different people, a child is interpreted to be of primary school age. Yet further complexity is added when personal taste is taken into account. A child of v will want very different things than a ten-year-old child, it is hard to judge wh... ...ising children, which is then used to sell the product.BibliographyBignell, J. (1997) Media Semiotics An Introduction. Manchester University shake up Manchester. Chandler, D. (2002) Semiotics the Basics. Routle dge London. Goldman, R. (1998) Reading Ads Socially. Routledge London. Gunter, B. and McAleer, J. (1997) Children and Television. Routledge London. Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Pratt, G., and Watts, M. (2000) The Dictionary of Human Geography, 4th Edition. Oxford Blackwell Publishers. Kaufman, G. (1999) The Portrayal of Mens Family Roles in Television Commercials. WWW document http/ jhtml?term=gender+role+advertising Spivak, G. (1988) basis the Subaltern speak? in Nelson, C. and Grossberg, L. (eds) Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. Macmillan London. Childrens Television Commercials Analyzing the Representation of FamChildrens Television Commercials Analyzing the Representation of FamilyThe assignment requires childrens commercials to be studied to find how these commercials are coded to give meaning to a representation of the family. However, before this can be tackled the concept of representa tion must be discussed as well as clarifying what exactly is meant by childrens commercials. The assignment is open to many interpretations as to what constitutes a childrens commercial. A commercial aimed at children, especially young children, must have an appeal to both child and parent alike, as it is most likely the parent who will be purchasing any of the items desired. There is a crucial interplay within commercials between selling the item to the child whilst also selling the product to the parent. When identifying childrens commercials it is advisable to look beyond the most obvious choice of toys or fun food to all the commercials involving the family which a child may be exposed to. Commercials are specifically placed to gain the maximum exposure to the optimum audience for their product, so any commercial shown during childrens viewing time must have some relevance for a child. Another point to be addressed is how is a child defined. In this essay, the definition of a ch ild from the Oxford Dictionary of Current English is taken in a modified form. The definition is a young human being below the age of puberty (1996, 141), but in this essay, because puberty occurs at different stages in different people, a child is taken to be of primary school age. Yet further complexity is added when personal taste is taken into account. A child of five will want very different things than a ten-year-old child, it is hard to judge wh... ...ising children, which is then used to sell the product.BibliographyBignell, J. (1997) Media Semiotics An Introduction. Manchester University Press Manchester. Chandler, D. (2002) Semiotics the Basics. Routledge London. Goldman, R. (1998) Reading Ads Socially. Routledge London. Gunter, B. and McAleer, J. (1997) Children and Television. Routledge London. Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Pratt, G., and Watts, M. (2000) The Dictionary of Human Geography, 4th Edition. Oxford Blackwell Publishers. Kaufman, G. (1999) The Portrayal of Mens Family Roles in Television Commercials. WWW document http/ jhtml?term=gender+role+advertising Spivak, G. (1988) Can the Subaltern speak? in Nelson, C. and Grossberg, L. (eds) Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. Macmillan London.

Childrens Television Commercials: Analyzing the Representation of Fam

Childrens Television Commercials Analyzing the Representation of FamilyThe assignment requires childrens commercials to be studied to catch out how these commercials are coded to give heart and soul to a representation of the family. However, before this can be tackled the concept of representation must be discussed as well as clarifying what exactly is meant by childrens commercials. The assignment is open to many interpretations as to what constitutes a childrens commercial. A commercial aimed at children, especially youngish children, must have an address to both child and parent alike, as it is intimately likely the parent who result be purchasing any of the items desired. in that location is a crucial interplay at bottom commercials between selling the item to the child whilst also selling the product to the parent. When identifying childrens commercials it is advisable to look beyond the most obvious choice of toys or fun food to all the commercials involving the famil y which a child may be exposed to. Commercials are specifically placed to come across the maximum exposure to the best audience for their product, so any commercial shown during childrens viewing time must have some relevance for a child. Another point to be addressed is how is a child defined. In this essay, the rendering of a child from the Oxford Dictionary of Current English is taken in a modified form. The definition is a young human being below the age of puberty (1996, 141), but in this essay, because puberty occurs at polar stages in different people, a child is taken to be of primary school age. Yet further complexity is added when personal taste is taken into account. A child of five will want very different things than a ten-year-old child, it is hard to judge wh... ...ising children, which is then used to sell the product.BibliographyBignell, J. (1997) Media semiology An Introduction. Manchester University Press Manchester. Chandler, D. (2002) Semiotics the Basics. Routledge London. Goldman, R. (1998) Reading Ads Socially. Routledge London. Gunter, B. and McAleer, J. (1997) Children and Television. Routledge London. Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Pratt, G., and Watts, M. (2000) The Dictionary of human race Geography, 4th Edition. Oxford Blackwell Publishers. Kaufman, G. (1999) The Portrayal of Mens Family Roles in Television Commercials. WWW document http/ jhtml?term=gender+role+advertising Spivak, G. (1988) Can the subaltern speak? in Nelson, C. and Grossberg, L. (eds) Marxism and the interpreting of Culture. Macmillan London. Childrens Television Commercials Analyzing the Representation of FamChildrens Television Commercials Analyzing the Representation of FamilyThe assignment requires childrens commercials to be studied to find how these commercials are coded to give meaning to a representation of the family. However, before this can be tackled the concept of representation must be discussed as well as clarifying what exactly is meant by childrens commercials. The assignment is open to many interpretations as to what constitutes a childrens commercial. A commercial aimed at children, especially young children, must have an appeal to both child and parent alike, as it is most likely the parent who will be purchasing any of the items desired. There is a crucial interplay within commercials between selling the item to the child whilst also selling the product to the parent. When identifying childrens commercials it is advisable to look beyond the most obvious choice of toys or fun food to all the commercials involving the family which a child may be exposed to. Commercials are specifically placed to gain the maximum exposure to the optimum audience for their product, so any commercial shown during childrens viewing time must have some relevance for a child. Another point to be addressed is how is a child defined. In this essay, the definiti on of a child from the Oxford Dictionary of Current English is taken in a modified form. The definition is a young human being below the age of puberty (1996, 141), but in this essay, because puberty occurs at different stages in different people, a child is taken to be of primary school age. Yet further complexity is added when personal taste is taken into account. A child of five will want very different things than a ten-year-old child, it is hard to judge wh... ...ising children, which is then used to sell the product.BibliographyBignell, J. (1997) Media Semiotics An Introduction. Manchester University Press Manchester. Chandler, D. (2002) Semiotics the Basics. Routledge London. Goldman, R. (1998) Reading Ads Socially. Routledge London. Gunter, B. and McAleer, J. (1997) Children and Television. Routledge London. Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Pratt, G., and Watts, M. (2000) The Dictionary of Human Geography, 4th Edition. Oxford Blackwell Publishers. Kaufman, G. (1999) The Portray al of Mens Family Roles in Television Commercials. WWW document http/ jhtml?term=gender+role+advertising Spivak, G. (1988) Can the Subaltern speak? in Nelson, C. and Grossberg, L. (eds) Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. Macmillan London.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Ethics Paper Essay

Ethics is essentially what a person believes is good or bad. By definition morals is rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good or bad (Merriam-Webster, 2013). There are different theories of moral philosophy which include virtue ethics, utilitarianism ethics, and the deontology speculation. Virtue ethics is the theory that basically says that a person throughout their animateness should strive for moral excellence through life experiences. This theory looks at a person over a period of time to determine if they have good morals and considered an ethical person versus basing it kill of one incident or slip-up. These slip-ups muckle be forgiven taking in account past deeds of moral turpitude and ethical acts. The utilitarianism theory is acting morally for the good of a group or society. This theory is very popular in the United States and other Western capitalistic democracies. Utilitarianism whole shebang when the people in that particular group or society ag ree on what is considered moral and what would be deemed good for them as a whole.The utilitarianism theory can also be seen as social responsibility with the actual definition being the obligation of an organizations management towards the welfare and interests of the society in which it operates (, 2013). The deontology theory states that aboutones actions are based on that is inherently right with no other calculations being taken into consideration such as consequences of the action. Deontology is based simply on principle and is justified through the structure of action, nature of reason, and the operation of the will (Boylan, 2009). Ethics and social responsibility play a significant role in the development of a strategical plan especially when considering stakeholders need and agendas. Companys primary mission is to make coin and turn a profit for their stakeholders. This is done in many different ways and are outlined in the strategic plan.The comp anion however needs to ensure that their operationsare ethical and not harmful to society or the community surrounding. Many companies walk a fine line between ethical and unethical when making efforts to perform for their stakeholders. Stakeholders primary objective is to make as much profit as possible and in most cases in the shortest amount of time possible. This is where companies are sometimes found crossing the line of ethics and social responsibility. This may include cutting corners to have a wagerer competitive edge within the industry thus veering away from the companys original strategic plan. In days past some companies have been caught conducting unethical operations in the name of profit (Wheelen & Hunger, 2010). The government has enacted legislation to make these activities less appealing to companies. Companies are now tasked with developing strategic agendas to accommodate their stakeholders needs and agendas while still considering ethics and social responsibil ity.Essentially a company has to make it clear to stakeholders that their best interests are foremost scarcely ethics and social responsibility will take precedence when developing a strategic plan to lead the company to success. The most popular and remembered company for overstepping ethical boundaries for stakeholders agendas would be Enron. Enron who began as a struggling energy provider climbed its way to the hand of the food chain in the industry to essentially set out a broker of energy. The company appeared to have a great deal of ethics and social responsibility from the outside looking in precisely things were not as they appeared after the company unraveled. It was found that top executives of the company were falsifying documents about earnings and essentially bleeding the company of all of its assets over the years until its inevitable fall.This included making not so ethical business partnerships and making attempts to hide its debt through clever accounting tricks to block recording the selective information on balance sheets (Sims & Brinkmann, 2003). This all in an attempt to keep stock prices climbing to pad the pockets of the executives and stakeholders alike. Many steps could have been taken within Enron to avoid this situation while still staying successful. The first step would have been to develop a strategic plan that not only provided direction for the company but set milestones for the company to succeed.Other steps to avoid this type of activity is to develop checks and balances within the company and not allowing a select few top executives to control everything without any accountability. Theexecutives of the company set the tone for the company and when employees see them acting unethically then it is believed this acceptable within the company. Executives should be setting a positive example and encouraging their employees to take the same approach.ConclusionEthics and social responsibility come hand in hand when dealing wit h the cosmos of business. When developing a strategic plan a company needs to ensure these areas are addressed and balanced when considering the needs and agendas of its stakeholders. This can as open as keeping stakeholders informed that it is essential to act ethically for the long term health of the company. Enron is a prime example of the hardships a company as well as its employees and stakeholders can face when a company puts ethics and social responsibility to the side. This also reinforces the fact that companies should develop their strategic plan with these in mind and then sticking to the plan then taking appropriate steps to keep the plan updated to continue on the road to success.ReferencesBoylan, M. (2009). Basic ethics Basic ethics in action (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson. (2013). Social responsibility. Retrieved from http// Merriam-Webster. (2013). Ethic. Retrieved fro m http// Sims, R. R., & Brinkmann, J. (2003, July). Enron ethics Culture matters more than codes. ledger of Business Ethics, 45(3), 243. Retrieved from http// Wheelen, T. L., & Hunger, J. D. (2010). Concepts in strategic management and business policy (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson Education.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Fly Dubai Essay

IntroductionDubai is pass oned one of the most important trading hubs in the oculus East region. Its rapid growth in its major infrastructure elements had attracted umpteen multinational companies across the world to open their regional offices in the city. This had its positive effects on Dubai economical growth as it became a golden opening for regional Middle East businessmen to trade with other international companies. As a result of this, the need for a modest live air lane that provides its services for business men within the region had improverd.The city experience with the air duct perseverance is not new(a) as it is the home city of tent flap Emirates, which is considered one of the best airlines in the region. This industry had its great effect on Dubai economical growth in the past 20 long time and will piss its strong impact in shaping the emirate future. In March 2008, the second first speak to airline was lunched under the name of Flydubai and started its trading trading operations in Dubai transnational Airport Terminal 2 in June 2009. (For much than information on Flydubai and its operations, please refer to Appendix 1).We have defined our germane(predicate) mart for Flydubai as a low monetary value carrier (LCC) within the product form level. Being positioned as a low cost national airline carrier, its facing a high competition from other national airlines which force the relevant trade to be within the product form. (For more information on the relevant market please refer to appendix 2).This paper will focus on presenting an environmental scan of the airline industry within the Middle East region during the time frame of 3 years (2009-2012). In cab aret to do so, we will identify the significant trends and their consequent implications on Flydubai relevant market. This report will include an in depth review of the macro, little analysis and its implications of Flydubai relevant market in the succeeding(prenominal ) three years.BodyIn identifying the major key trends in the macro environment of Flydubai, we have addressed several issues that include the political, social and economical trends.Flydubai was established by His Highness dandy Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Prime Minister and Vice-President, and Ruler of Dubai orders in march 2008 and started its operation in its first flight to Lebanon on June 1st 2009.Being fully own by Dubai establishment and enjoy the full facilities offered in terminal 2 at Dubai International Airport, the play along is having a competitive advantage compargond to its rivals in the market as it enjoy the full government support and airport services.Furthermore, the current government trend in the labor force is towards emiratization and protecting labors rights. Being a part of the Fly Emirates chemical group, the organization will face no problem in emiratization as it will follow Fly Emirates emiratization strategy. The major challenge that Flyduba i will face is being able to offer high paid jobs and reduce its operational costs as it is considered a low cost airline company. living(a) in the current financial crises era, Flydubai was established in one of the most difficult time the country economy had faced in the last 25 years. Falling oil prices, cooling real estate and construction markets, together with a slowdown in the tourism sector, especially in Dubai, means the UAE is judge to post low or possibly negative GDP growth in 2009, according to analysts (Arabian Business, 2009). This information may be considered negative to many airline companies but it may be positive to a low cost airline like Flydubai as people ar now foc victimisation more in reducing their expenses as the incomes are reduced. This means their tendency of consumers focusing more on prices is increasing.Furthermore, consumer behavior is changing towards low cost airlines especially in the Middle East region as consumers are persuaded by low prices and a better service offered by low cost airlines. According to a study done by Arabian Business website, it was found that 83 percent of the respondents would switch their preferred airline carrier, for a cheaper price, while 17.6 percent believed they would consider alternatives and trade off between the discount and lost air miles. It can thus be inferred that pricing plays a significant role in consumer behavior and the decision making process especially in the current economic downturn era (Glass, 2008).According to Dubai department of Tourism and commerce market 3.85 million tourists had visited the emirate in the first half of 2009, a five percent increase on the same period of 2008. This figure strongly shows the current tourism industry market and how attractive it became even though of the current economical downturn. Other figures comport that the number of tourists will fall compared to 2008 figures but most figures have say that there will be a positive growth in 2010. This figure shows that Flydubai will see a future growth rates in the coming 3 years as terrorism sector restore its high figures after overcoming the current downturn.As observed by Andrew Cowen, CEO of SAMA Airlines, the market is shifting from the traditional major airlines business travel towards low cost carriers for trips within the GCC. Business travelers are changing their perception of low cost carriers, support by the current economic downturn and the increase number of conflicting businesses within GCC countries entering the UAE. This shows a trend of an increasing demand for low cost carriers in the next three years (High time for low cost carriers, 2008).(For in depth information on the analysis of the macro environment of the airline industry please refer to Appendix 3)In identifying the major key trends in the micro environment the following aspects that includes, Customers, Employees, media, parcel outholders, competitors and suppliers.Customers who are price conscious are concerned with low cost airlines. Flydubai has focused on pricing strategy and flexibility because these devil movers play a big role in find out the customers decision process on which airlines they choose to travel with. Moreover, the number of tourist from around the world including the region will grow more than 40% in the next 3 years in Dubai ( This shows that there will be increased number of customers who will use Flydubai airlines within the next three years due its successful use of pricing strategy and flexibility.The Employees of Flydubai have good experiences and they were carefully selected from twelve different nationalities. According to Kenneth Gile, chief in operation(p) officer of Flydubai tell We are extremely pleased with the talent of the pilots we have on board. On average, they each have more than 4,000 hours serving as skipper in similar aircraft and a total experience of more than 8,000 flying hours this is impressive by any standard (Sambidge, 2009).Flydubai is fully owned by the government of Dubai and its considered as a part of its mother company the Emirates Group.The main strategy that Flydubai is willing to use for their marketing strategy is through word of mouth (buzz). This is because Flydubai is a low cost airline they tend to set low budgets for their advertisements to guard their prices low.The read competitors of Flydubai are Air Arabia and Al Jazeerah airlines because these two airlines are also low cost airlines in the same country as Flydubai. However, the major competitor of Flydubai is Air Arabia because, first of all, they are the first to claim about low cost airlines in the Middle East region. Moreover, they hold the highest market share in the relevant market as identified before. Our market share analyse to those two carries are low because Flydubai just recently launched to the market.But, within the next three years we expect rapid growth in the market share because Dubai is a destination for tourists. The major indirect competitor is Fly Emirates which stands as the leader in airline industry in the relevant market and it will keep its performance in the next three years. The second indirect competitor is Etihad Airlines which is growing fast because of the unlimited support from Abu Dhabi government. In addition, those airline carriers make low price offers for the same destination that we have flight lines to.The supplier of Flydubai is Boeing. Flydubai announced an order of 50 next generation 737 aircraft from Boeing. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed al Maktoum said The Boeing Next-Generation 737 is ideally suited to our mission to bring some two billion regional inhabitants affordable, efficient and flexible travel options to and from Dubai.(For more information on the micro environment analysis, please refer to Appendix 4). ImplicationsPrimary demandLow cost airlines are focusing on customers who are price conscious. The number of customers using t he LCC airlines is increasing and it will continue growing in the next three years ( This is because, first of all, the percentage of tourists will increase by 40% within the next three years which shows that the market share of LCC will increase as well. Secondly, because of the economic condition, many people tend to save money and expire it on low cost airlines to travel more to the desired destinations. Users of Low cost airlines contain all different ages and nationalities. Moreover, cost is one of the main factors that accept customers ability to buy. The costs of these carriers are low and will continue to remain low in the next three years. This will increase customers ability and willingness to buy.Selective demandWe can define the consumer decision making process as an extensive problem solving level, where they are introduced to a complete new brand with low brand knowledge. So, Flydubai should infusive more on their brand identity through the m edia and other communication types in order to enrich consumers knowledge. Once Flydubai had increased the level of consumer knowledge, we expect huge increase in market share in the next three years because the decision making process is going to shift from extensive problem solving to routine which is low information search about the company. Therefore, we expect major change within the next three year upon the factors we mentioned above.SegmentationAs for segmentation we expect to see a rise in the population of the UAE in the following 3 years. According to the electronic portal of Gulf News the population of UAE is approaching six million as of now and it is expected to deepen even further by the end of this year. An increase in construction in the coming years requires more labor to be imported from foreign countries, thus increasing the number of potential customers (low income and middle-class lifestyles) who might want to use our services.Moreover, economic boom can also b e a factor for businessmen to travel to and from Dubai more frequently. In addition, the number of students travelling to the UAE for education is expected to increase in the near future this implies that they will most credibly select Flydubai as their primary mode of transport to travel to and from the UAE, since the economic condition shows very little signs of improvement in the near future.More tourists are expected to arrive in the UAE within the near future out of which a section of them are extremely price sensitive travelers.Another scenario would be that the current economic downturn continues to effect economies world-wide within the coming three years increasing the number of price-sensitive customers in the eight markets we operate in.To keep up with the projected demand, Flydubai is planning to increase its fleet size from 5 (currently) to 54 aircrafts in the coming years. An increase in fleet size would allow Flydubai not only to accommodate a large number of clients but also expand its reach in terms of destinations.Conversely, the announcement of the new GCC rail interlock which is the new transportation class in our relevant market is expected to have a slight negative effect on Flydubais operations in terms of loosing clients that fall in our target segmentation. The GCC rail network and Flydubai have one common destination which is Qatar. Once the GCC rail network begins its operations there is a high possibility of losing out on our current and potential clients. (For more information on segmentation please refer to appendix 5).Competitor analysisOur major competitive in our relative market is Air Arabia and then Al Jazeera Airlines. Air Arabia is holding major market share because they are the first to claim about launching first low cost airlines in Middle East region. However, Flydubai can compete with those two direct competitors when we focus on our competitive advantage which is price leadership. Also, location is another important factor due the number of travelers that are using Dubai Airport comparing to Sharjah Airport. In addition, being part of the Emirates Group will add more value to Flydubai brand equity which will make it easier to make customers shift toward our company within the next three years. (For more information on competitor analysis, please refer to Appendix 6)ConclusionIn conclusion after analyzing the environmental micro and macro trend for Flydubai, we observed that there are two major changes in our relevant market. First, the increase of the tourism level in Dubai as we expect the current economic downturn era to change its direction towards positive figures in the next three years. Also, the companies holders and businessmen attitude towards low cost airlines is changing by using it as these airlines are providing business men services aboard such a business class and wireless net income connection.The number of competitors within the low cost airline industry is going to increase i n the coming years as new airlines such as Bahrain Airlines starts its operation this year. Secondly, full service airlines are expanding their market towards low cost airline by introducing low price tickets that attract price sensitive consumers. We expect that within the next ten years a new class level will enter the market in the GCC region which is trains transportation. Also, a new form level will emerge in the relevant market which is a combination between full services and low cost carriers. Finally, within the next three years we expect those changes in the relevant market to be reshaped affecting the primary and selective demand.Bibliography(2009, October 18). 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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Comparing the Effectiveness of Four Common Techniques

Comparing the Effectiveness of Four Common Techniques Used to Treat Nocturnal Enuresis Tiffiny H. Winters Clarion University of papa Abstract The proposed look into is designed to combine 1 pharmaceutical interactment proficiency and 2 leafy vegetable behavioural interventions and assess the effect they remove on the frequency of night-time wetting in children between the ages of 5 and 10 years senile who suffer from nocturnal enuresis. I ordain randomly assign great hundred child participants to unmatched of six treatment groups which test them on varying degrees of the independent variables.Participants volition be tested for a catch of 30 eld prior to the intervention masking to determine a baseline rate of occurrence of enuresis, then tested again for 30 old age while applying the intervention strategies to determine if there is a signifi appriset change in the frequency of the occurrences. I count on that the groups receiving the behavioral training paired with the anti-diuretic medication bequeath have fewer episodes of enuresis in a shorter do of time during treatment, and have a slight increase in instances of regression after ceasing treatment.I also predict that the treatment groups that do non have got the anti-diuretic forget have a slower rate of progression during the experiment, but the progression give stay in the beginning steady after treatment has ceased. Comparing the Effectiveness of Four Common Techniques Used to Treat Nocturnal Enuresis Nocturnal enuresis is a reciprocal childhood disorder, but can be a potentially distressing experience for children and p arnts alike.It has been defined as an involuntary voiding of urine during sleep, with severity of at least twice a week, in children over 5 years of age, when not provoked by congenital or acquired defects of the central nervous organization or by the direct physiological effect of substances such as a diuretic (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) Butler & Gasson, 2005). This disorder has m whatsoever an(prenominal) stressful consequences for a child, such as feeling like, or being treated as a social pariah, suffering a rollercoaster of emotional turmoil, a significant lumbering of their self-esteem, and feelings of ncomprehension and help slightness. The prevalence of nocturnal enuresis in children ages 5 to 10 years old, according to The American Psychiatric Association (2000), are as follows * rough 5% 10% in 5 to 6 year olds * Approximately 11% 18% in 7 to 8 year olds * Approximately 1. 5% 5% in 9 to 10 year olds Prevalence rates are also melloweder for males than for females at all age points (Butler & Heron, 2008). At the present time, many empirical studies and reviews of different treatment strategies for nocturnal enuresis have been conducted.Prominent researchers from both the psychological and medical communities are making important contributions to the ongoing question of what types of interventions treat best f or the children who suffer from this disorder, which tends to link both the psychological and medical fields. This can cause complications for the results of the research, because each field traditionally produces its own literature on the studies that they do, and because the results arent always all-encompassing.However, experimenters are attempting to close this gap with new approaches that combine and compare treatments such as the dispensing of pharmaceuticals to patients, and some practical behavioral interventions. The behavioral interventions that will be used in this experiment are fairly common in the current research for treatment of nocturnal enuresis. Retention concord readying (RTC) came ab bring out due to the medical evidence that some children suffering from this disorder had reduced bladder capacity, and thus couldnt hold a normal amount of fluid in their bladders throughout a typical night of sleep.RTC expands a childs bladder capacity by having the child drin k high amounts of fluid while delaying urination for as long as affirmable and trying to increase the amount of holding time each time. The thought is that this will cause the bladder to expand, and progress the child up to a relatively normal length of time between urinations. According to Friman (2008), RTC has had up to a 50% overall success rate. However, more recent studies are debating that these results may be negligible, and believe that other methods are more evidence-based and should be considered instead.The process of Dry-Bed knowledge (DBT) is one of the oldest, best-known, and most evidence-based treatment packages for enuresis (Friman, 2008). The process consists of following a strict schedule of waking the child up at night until he or she learns to wake up alone when needed. This program is usually implemented for a period of 7 nights, and then the process is repeated. DBT is typically completed in less than 4 weeks, with relapse rates of only about 40% (Brown, P ope, & Brown, 2010). A Urine appall is a key component in this treatment, as intumesce as cleanliness training and a positive reinforcement through a token system.A Urine Alarm is a device that is either placed underneath the child in the form of a mat, or as a sensor inside of the childs pajamas that works by using a moisture-sensitive system that, when upon sensing dampness from urine, it sends a charge to a buzzer or alarm that is strong enough to wake the child (Friman, 2008). The alarm is an unfavourable stimulus, which leads to a conditioned avoidance response (startling the child) which leads to muscle contractions in the pelvic floor and neck of the bladder, ceasing the flow of urine when the child wakes.This leads to the child associating the feeling of a full bladder to the feeling of being awakened, and they will wake eventually without the help of the alarm. According to Mellon & Houts (2006), several reviewed studies and well-controlled experiments have established t he basic urine Alarm as an effective treatment for nocturnal enuresis, alone or in combination with other treatment components, and the average success rate (14 consecutive run dry nights) is 77. 9%, and has an average 6 month relapse rate of 15% 30%.Despite the arguable efficacy of these behavioral interventions, reviews of the recent literature show that the common healthcare practice among physicians and pediatricians is to treat enuretic children with medication rather than putting behavioral interventions to use (Friman, 2008). The two most commonly prescribed to treat this disorder are anti-depressants and anti-diuretics. I will not be addressing the components of the anti-depressant prescriptions, as it does not directly involve my xperiment. The anti-diuretic that is typically prescribed is Desmopressin, a synthetic version of Vasmopressin, which is the bodys naturally occurring anti-diuretic hormone. According to a review by Brown, Pope, & Brown (2010), the rationale for using this drug is that there is evidence that children with nocturnal enuresis may not have the same nocturnal increase in Vasmopressin as children that do not suffer from enuresis.Desmopressin works by decreasing night-time urine production, and typically reduces the episodes by 50%. And although Desmopressin typically has a more rapid onset of dry nights than the Urine Alarm, removal of the drug almost always results in the child change by reversal back to the wetting behavior. In comparing this drug and its benefits to other behavioral treatments, it has been found in many studies to have better results when the drug therapy is used concurrently with one of the behavioral interventions previously discussed.For example, according to Brown, Pope, & Brown (2010), recent literature shows that the Urine Alarm, when used in conjunction with anti-diuretic medication, leads to more dry nights earlier in the conditioning process, and a longer lasting performance after treatment has sub sided. Also, there have been many studies comparing several of the aforementioned common behavioral techniques to one other, as well as the combined power of using more than one technique concurrently to enhance the speed and permanence of the want results.Also, studies have been done here in the get together States, as well as abroad in many other countries, such as Australia, the United Kingdom, and many others. However, according to their review on studies done in this field of research, Brown, Pope, & Brown (2010) assert that The medical and psychological literatures and studies completed regarding this problem have proceeded relatively independent from one another, and there has been little to no interconnection between the US and international studies, resulting in a lack of discourse and integration among researchers probe treatment outcomes for enuresis. In general, many researchers agree that the current research and scope of the experiments have been very limited, and perhaps even insufficient. The focus of my proposed study would be to bridge this gap that others have been stepping around, and bring some of the conflicting variables to light in one controlled study. The proposed research is designed to combine 1 pharmaceutical treatment technique and 2 common behavioral interventions and assess the effect they have on the frequency of night-time wetting in children between the ages of 5 and 10 years old who suffer from nocturnal enuresis.My study would allow the individual treatment techniques to be compared under standard conditions without any other form of combined treatment or medicines, and it would also show the efficacy of each treatment technique when it is paired with the anti-diuretic Desmopressin, which has been shown to have remarkable results in the short-term treatment of episodes of enuresis, but is coming up short in the long-run battle against this disorder.I will randomly assign the participants to one of six treatment groups ( 1) will receive Retention Control Training (RCT) paired with a daily treat of Desmopressin (2) will receive Retention Control Training with no medication (3) will receive Retention Control Training paired with a placebo (4) will receive Dry-Bed Training paired with a daily dose of Desmopressin (5) will receive Dry-Bed Training with no medication (6) will receive Dry-Bed Training paired with a placebo.Participants will be tested for a period of 30 days prior to the intervention application to determine a baseline rate of occurrence of enuresis, then tested again for 30 days while applying the intervention strategies to determine if there is a significant change in the frequency of the occurrences. Participants will also be tested a final time 30 days after ceasing the interventions for a period of 2 weeks to determine how quickly each group regressed, if any did so.This would lead to many avenues of further research toward finding the best way to treat this problem, and also perhaps pave those avenues with a much stronger foundation than the one that has been going back and forth between the medical and psychological disciplines throughout the research that has been done thus far. I am predicting that the groups who receive the behavioral training paired with the anti-diuretic medication will have fewer episodes of enuresis in a shorter amount of time during treatment, and have a slight increase in instances of regression after ceasing treatment.I also predict that the treatment groups that do not receive the anti-diuretic will have a slower rate of progression during the experiment, but the progression will stay primarily steady after treatment has ceased. order Participants The sample (N=120) will consist of 20 children (10 boys 10 girls) at each of six age levels (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10yrs old) who meet the American Psychiatric Association (2000) criteria to be diagnosed with nocturnal enuresis. Wetting must occur at least 2 times per week for at least a pe riod of 3 months and have a negative impact on other areas of functioning, and must not be due to the effects of a substance or be caused by another medical condition. ) All participants will be assigned randomly into one of six treatment groups. Participants will be selected on a voluntary foothold from an ad placed in the local anaesthetic newspaper, and also by doctor referral through email notification sent to local doctors offices denote information about the study that I will be conducting.Informed consent will be obtained from parents of all of the participants, and consent forms and release forms will also be signed before participating in the procedure. Letters of explanation and consent forms will be sent to parents or guardians of the children, and they will be asked to return these by mail. To figure confidentiality, participant names will be removed from any interviews and data entry recordings, and participants will be identified only by a numerical code. Participa nts, medical personnel, parents, and all others involved will be well informed that no information will be released about individual participants.Participating children will receive an age-appropriate gift approved by their parents upon completion of the experiment as a thank-you for participating. Apparatus/Materials Materials that will be needed and used are as follows * Basic physical form completed by family physician for each participant. * 120 basic clip-on Urine Alarms. * Approximately 1200 doses of Desmopressin. (40 children, 1 tablet each before bed every night for 30 nights. ) (Can also be requested in nasal spray form. ) * Data sheets to record all procedures and episodes of wetness per night. * Approximately 1200 doses of a basic sugar pill to administer as a placebo. 40 children, 1 tablet each before bed every night for 30 nights. ) * Age-appropriate gift for each child given upon completion of the experiment. (120 total) Procedure An ad will be placed in the local news papers to attempt to take in volunteers to participate in the experiment, as well as an email offering information about the study will be sent to all local pediatricians offices asking them to inform any of their patients that may qualify and meet the guidelines about the study that I am conducting, and that they would be welcome to participate if they desire to.Participants will be interviewed at their convenience at a location that they are comfortable with, and will be asked to answer simple background questions dealing with the criteria for the experiment, and will also be informed about all aspects of the experiment before they consent to their child or children participating. Once all participants have been selected and all needed paperwork has been returned, the parents will be instructed on how to monitor their childs episodes of enuresis for the next 30 nights and shown how to record them on the data sheets that I will offer to them.Each parent will be provided a standa rd Urine Alarm and be instructed on how to use it to notify them throughout the night when their child wets to bed. (They can be programmed to notify the parent instead of waking the child. ) The parent will then keep as accurate of a record as possible of the episodes during this 30 day period to establish a baseline of performance for each child. (The Urine Alarms will be re-collected after this 30 day period has concluded. Then, after the initial 30 day testing period has ended, each child will be randomly separated into one of six treatment groups (1) will receive Retention Control Training (RCT) paired with a daily dose of Desmopressin (2) will receive Retention Control Training with no medication (3) will receive Retention Control Training paired with a placebo (4) will receive Dry-Bed Training paired with a daily dose of Desmopressin (5) will receive Dry-Bed Training with no medication (6) will receive Dry-Bed Training paired with a placebo.The parents will receive very thoro ugh and light-colored to understand instructions on the treatment procedure that their child has to follow, and will be given a telephone number to contact me at any time day or night throughout the experiment if they have any questions, concerns, or if their availability to participate in the experiment changes. The parents will not have any knowledge about the use of a sugar pill as a placebo, as to eliminate any participant reception bias. I will collect the data from each parent at the end of every week, during both 30 day periods.After the experimental 30 days has come to an end, I will collect all materials that were being used by the participants, compile the data that was collected and get it ready to analyze, hand out the gifts to the children for participating, conduct a closing interview of each parent and child to clear up any loose ends or questions that they may have, and to also ensure that no aftercare is needed for any parent or child that participated, and then t hank them for their involvement and hard work. References American Psychiatric Association. 2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. (4th ed. ). Washington, DC doi 10. 1176/appi. books. 9780890423349 Brown, M. L. , Pope, A. W. , & Brown, E. J. (2010). Treatment of primary nocturnal enuresis in children A review. Child Care, Health, and Development, 37(2), 153-160. doi10. 1111/j. 1365-2214. 2010. 01146. x Butler, R. J. , & Gasson, S. L. (2005). Enuresis alarm treatment. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, 39, 349-357. Butler, R. J. , & Heron, J. (2008).The prevalence of infrequent bedwetting and nocturnal enuresis in childhood A large british cohort. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, 42, 257-264. Friman, P. C. (2008). Evidence-based therapies for enuresis and encopresis. The Handbook of Evidence-based Therapies for Children and Adolescents Bridging Science and Practice, II, 311-333. doi 10. 1007/978-0-387-73691-4_18 Mellon, M. W. , & Ho uts, A. C. (2006). Nocturnal enuresis Evidenced-based perspectives in etiology, assessment and treatment. (pp. 432-441). New York, NY Springer Publishing.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Tom Robinson and Lynch Mob

turkey cock Robinson and the Lynch Mob During the scene at the tuck in Scout and the other children dont fully understand the incredible danger posed by the presence of the lynch mob. The story is told from Scouts point of view we arent directly told what could happen. Similarly we are not given access to the thoughts of the members of the lynch mob. The narrative perspective prevents us from knowing Tom Robinsons thoughts or even what Atticus is thinking at this point in the novel.However, we gain some insight into Atticuss assessment of the place through his actions and dialogue during this scene. Task Your task is to step into Tom or Atticuss skin and retell this event from the point of view of this character. You should retrieve the depth of understanding that each of these characters possess. They would be informed of the significance of this moment. They both have knowledge of the intentions of the mob and are fully aware of the capabilities of a group of angry men.There i s a real danger to Tom, Atticus and the children. Review the main points of the scene up until when the mob disperses, then write what the acquaintance was like from either Tom or Atticuss point of view. Keep in mind that what people said or actions they took are suffice in stone, but we dont know what was in Tom or Atticuss mind. I heard Mr Finchs footsteps as he walked everyplace to the gaol, I couldnt see him but I could hear him, he told me that all would be ok I wasnt so incontestable of this.I knew they were coming, everyone in town knows that I moved to the gaol, the only thing I didnt know was who is in the group that was coming to torture and hang me. thence I heard cars pull up and men jump out and slam the doors, this was it, I then heard men walking snuggled and closer to the outside of the gaol and towards Mr Finch, my heart started beating really fast and I felt so bad that I couldnt help him. Then an apart(p) man began to talk to him asking if I was here my inst antly heart dropped, I knew that this was it, they would pop out him first then come in here and kill me before I even had a chance.Then another voice but not the kind you would hear in this sort of situation, its sounds like a untested girl, Scout perhaps? I whispered to myself. She began to talk to someone, it sounded as if she was almost talking to herself until a mans voice told her to leave. Not long by and by those words, I heard heavy footsteps that sounded as if they were walking away from the gaol, I whispered to myself, Are they playing jokes with me? , cant they just get it over and done with? Then there was the sound of car doors opening and engines rumbling was I let off? Was I finally free?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Capitalism Vs Socialism

capitalist economys central idea is that the marketplace decides what will be make and sold. In capitalist economy the government exists to protect individual rights. Capitalism fir SST emerged in the 16th century Capitalism in Europe was preceded by feudalism. Capitalism ca n be tracked back all the way to Western Europe during the Middle Ages. Then it began to devil pop into a more modern version during the Early Modern Period in countries in northwestern Europe, like the Netherlands and Europe. The founder of Capitalism was Adam Smith he squawk Ted Capitalism around the 18th century.Socialism is an economic system in which the government owns and controls manufacturing, and is also responsible for planning the economy. Socialism w as created in the earlier 1 8th century by Karl Marx. Socialism was created in an attempt to eliminate ate the differences Hernandez 2 between the rich and the poor. If you are a collective you are not allowed to owe n anything not hitherto a house Socialism is the concept that individuals should not have ownership of land, money, or industries. scarce the whole whole community collectively owns and controls pro Perry, goods, and production.In the other hand under Capitalism, individuals own and control I ND, money, and even production of industries. The individuals are even free to own homes an d cars. Capitalist also have the freedom to live where ever they want Socialism was emerged to eliminate the rich and the poor. But Capitalism me urged because of the problems in the feudal society and because of the industrial re volition government started to change. Personally I like capitalism more because of all the freedom spate have and I believe that it is unfair that if someone works more or less t hen someone else they get paid the like and that is basically what socialism is.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

American and African Comparison Essay

Between 1492 and 1750, Africa and America experienced similarities in the introduction of new crops, movement on natives, and disease, while having deviances in shift sexual practice nation, the amount of wipeouts, ethnicity change, and environment.Africa and America both experienced the introduction of new crops. In Africa, American crops such as maize were very(prenominal) useful in rewrite to sustain the population. The cheap new source of food allowed Africa to sustain its population. America received new crops and animals such as rice and chickens. Both regions experienced an outgrowth in the native population as a result of the Europeans. The demand for slavery in Africa resulted in a massive amount of natives existence shipped to America.In America, the remainder of the Aztecs and Inca in Latin America were either moved or put under forced labor. In North America, smaller tribes such as the Iroquois and Algonquin were pushed off of their land by English and Dutch settl ers. Both regions also experienced a wide outspread of disease. In Africa, diseases like Syphilis spread easily because most Africans were uneducated about sanitation. In America, native populations of the Aztecs and Inca were decimated by smallpox. The Aztecs, like the Africans, did not have the proper sanitary conditions, and new diseases meant that they were not repellent to them.One major difference was the shift in the amount of men and women in each region. In Africa, most of the slaves taken were males. This meant that the majority of the African population became female. As a result of all of the slaves imported to the new world, the majority of America was male. Another difference was the amount of death among the natives. In America, a very large percentage of the native population died. In Africa, the shift in population was caused more by African slaves being taken out.While death was common along the Atlantic circuit, Africa was better equipped to sustain its native po pulation. Foods brought from the New World enabled Africans to repopulate quickly whereas in America, the natives were replaced by the Europeans. Another major difference was the changes in the natural environment. In America, forests were cut down carelessly in order to create colonial towns. The resources were exploited to a vast degree to go European mercantilism. In Africa, change to the environment was milder. Most interaction occurred at the coast while central Africa was unexplored. African resources such as gold were traded, except were not in high demand until later on.Africa and America both were similar in the arrival of new crops, shift in population, and epidemics while being different in change of demographics, amount of death, new ethnicities, and the impact on the environment.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Violence, Gender and Elder Abuse

Women and force Professor Guelakis November 1, 2010 Violence, Gender, and Elder Abuse Elderly poke fun has not been look intoed enough. There has been recent expansion on the research of abuse of the elderly. However, it is still lacking adequate theory because there has not been enough research done, data collected on why it happens, or the characteristics of the abuser and victim. Women are predominantly the victims of elder abuse and men the abusers. However, there has not been a firm definition of what elderly abuse is. Some experts stir that elder abuse should be included in the definition of domestic abuse.Experts prevail found in their studies that women are the majority of the physically abused where men were the larger average of elderly individuals who were neglected. However, many experts overly state that focusing on the definition of elder abuse is counterproductive in focusing on the issue that women are the majority of abused victims. Feminist theorists affirm f ailed to produce enough data here, although they have the expertise to contribute to this research. One of the main problems with elder abuse is the failure to acknowledge it as a form of real abuse.The caregiver is already excused by be given this label as the carer. There is also the focus on the elder individual as the catalyst to the abuse, by button the carer to his or her limits. The elder individual is seen as overly symbiotic and adding stressors to the caregiver. Granny-battering, as elderly abuse was erst called, has turned into a closer look at the perpetrator and his characteristics instead of the victims. Experts say that more trouble should be placed on the predisposing factors, such as drugs, alcohol, and dependency.Spouse and child abuse research has been found to have similar pathological characteristics to elder abuse. Social norms support elder abuse against women in that women are dependent on caregivers financially, practically, and emotionally. There is lit tle information, however, on the strategies, tactics, or coping skills because the victims have not been heard. Unfortunately, the lack of research, along with the denial and inability to recognize elder abuse has made it difficult to gain knowledge and effect with this very valid form of abuse.