Friday, May 24, 2019

Tom Robinson and Lynch Mob

turkey cock Robinson and the Lynch Mob During the scene at the tuck in Scout and the other children dont fully understand the incredible danger posed by the presence of the lynch mob. The story is told from Scouts point of view we arent directly told what could happen. Similarly we are not given access to the thoughts of the members of the lynch mob. The narrative perspective prevents us from knowing Tom Robinsons thoughts or even what Atticus is thinking at this point in the novel.However, we gain some insight into Atticuss assessment of the place through his actions and dialogue during this scene. Task Your task is to step into Tom or Atticuss skin and retell this event from the point of view of this character. You should retrieve the depth of understanding that each of these characters possess. They would be informed of the significance of this moment. They both have knowledge of the intentions of the mob and are fully aware of the capabilities of a group of angry men.There i s a real danger to Tom, Atticus and the children. Review the main points of the scene up until when the mob disperses, then write what the acquaintance was like from either Tom or Atticuss point of view. Keep in mind that what people said or actions they took are suffice in stone, but we dont know what was in Tom or Atticuss mind. I heard Mr Finchs footsteps as he walked everyplace to the gaol, I couldnt see him but I could hear him, he told me that all would be ok I wasnt so incontestable of this.I knew they were coming, everyone in town knows that I moved to the gaol, the only thing I didnt know was who is in the group that was coming to torture and hang me. thence I heard cars pull up and men jump out and slam the doors, this was it, I then heard men walking snuggled and closer to the outside of the gaol and towards Mr Finch, my heart started beating really fast and I felt so bad that I couldnt help him. Then an apart(p) man began to talk to him asking if I was here my inst antly heart dropped, I knew that this was it, they would pop out him first then come in here and kill me before I even had a chance.Then another voice but not the kind you would hear in this sort of situation, its sounds like a untested girl, Scout perhaps? I whispered to myself. She began to talk to someone, it sounded as if she was almost talking to herself until a mans voice told her to leave. Not long by and by those words, I heard heavy footsteps that sounded as if they were walking away from the gaol, I whispered to myself, Are they playing jokes with me? , cant they just get it over and done with? Then there was the sound of car doors opening and engines rumbling was I let off? Was I finally free?

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